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Guest Blogger: RebeccawithanR

Hey everyone! I’m spending a little time at home for the holiday, as well as some wedding related activities. So in the meantime, I have some awesome guest bloggers lined up for you!

Next up, we have Rebecca from RebeccawithanR, and her pinspired outfit :)


Hiya friends! I’m Rebecca from RebeccawithanR. I’m so excited to be visiting here on HollyDolly. And isn’t Holly just that? Such a doll!

So, can I get a show of hands here.. Who has a Pinterest account? Ah, yes. That’s a fair amount. (Those who don’t have one and would like one, let me know and I’ll send you an invite! I love sharing. Sharing is caring.) I’m a little bit in love with using it to store outfit inspiration. This outfit was a dreary weather interpretation of this. She looks way cuter but I sure felt great on that rainy day!

Top: H&M, Jacket: Nordstrom, Trench: Target, Shorts: Delias, Boots: Hunters, Jewelry: Kohls

My inner hippie decided not to wear makeup that day. My inner hippie also doesn’t like to wear bras, but I don’t think the general public would appreciate that. Is that TMI for a guest poster to share? Let’s rectify that. Hop on over here, and don’t be a stranger!


Thank you Rebecca!

P.S - don’t forget to enter my Krust handbag and Hollydoll necklace giveaway !