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One Year


One year ago yesterday, Boo and I got married. Yesterday, we reached our one year anniversary while in Cleveland celebrating another friend’s upcoming nuptials. It was a great weekend, but we’ll have to have a proper celebration here soon. I mean, we made it a year! That’s a big deal! Not that there was ever a doubt that we would ;).

But really - I can’t believe how fast that year went.  Fo real! It seems like it was just last month that I was knee deep in all of that crazy planning, and then walking down that aisle, tripping over my own dress. I wouldn’t change a thing, especially that guy that was standing at the end of the aisle waiting for me :). 

Happy anniversary, BooBoo!!!


P.S - see more of our wedding photos here. And just for kicks, see our honeymoon photos here




** all photos taken by Lindsay Dedario photography **